quetzal.engine.engine module
Aggregates modal shares by zone. Weights the share by the demand; :param shared: straight output from the modal split; :param zones: zoning GeoDataFrame :return: aggregated_shares, the zoning augmented with the modal shares as columns;
- quetzal.engine.engine.graph_links(links)[source]
Decorates a link dataframe so it can be used as a basis for building a graph; It is meant to be used on a LineDraft export link DataFrame; :param links: LineDraft link DataFrame; :return: Basically the same as links but with different names and trivial columns;
- quetzal.engine.engine.loaded_links_and_nodes(links, nodes, volumes=None, path_finder_stack=None, volume_column='volume', path_column='path', pivot_column=None, path_pivot_column=None, boardings=False, alightings=False, transfers=False, link_checkpoints={}, node_checkpoints={}, checkpoints_how='all', **kwargs)[source]
- The assignment function. The last step of modelling the demand.
the shortest path are known in the public transport graph;
the demand by mode is known;
we want to assign the demand to the edges and nodes of the shortest path for every OD
links, nodes = engine.loaded_links_and_nodes( links, nodes, shared, path_finder_stack, 'volume_pt')
- Parameters
links – links DataFrame to be loaded
nodes – nodes DataFrame to be loaded
volumes – demand stack matrix by mode
path_finder_stack – paths stack matrix (pathfinder output)
od_stack – path / demand merged stack matrix
volume_column – name of the column from ‘volumes’ to use in order to load the links and nodes
pivot_column – name of the column from od_stack to multiply with volumes. Default None
- Returns
(links, nodes) a tuple containing the loaded DataFrames
- quetzal.engine.engine.modal_split_from_volumes_and_los(volumes, los, time_scale=0.0002777777777777778, alpha_car=2, beta_car=0)[source]
This is a modal split wrapper essentially based on duration and modal penalties. Based on all modes demand and levels of services, it returns the volume by mode.
- los = pd.merge(
car_skims, path_finder_stack, on=[‘origin’, ‘destination’], suffixes=[‘_car’, ‘_pt’]
) shared = engine.modal_split_from_volumes_and_los(
volumes, los, time_scale=1/1800 alpha_cal=2, beta_car=600
- Parameters
volumes – all mode, origin->destination demand matrix;
los – levels of service. An od stack matrix with: ‘duration_pt’, ‘duration_car’
time_scale – time scale of the logistic regression that compares ‘duration_pt’ to alpha_car * ‘duration_car’ + beta_car
alpha_car – multiplicative penalty on ‘duration_car’ for the calculation of ‘utility_car’
beta_car – additive penalty on ‘duration_car’ for the calculation of ‘utility_car’
- Returns
- quetzal.engine.engine.multimodal_graph(links, ntlegs, pole_set, footpaths=None, boarding_cost=300, ntlegs_penalty=1000000000.0)[source]
- This is a graph builder and a pathfinder wrapper
Builds a public transport frequency graph from links;
Adds access and eggress to the graph (accegg) using the ntlegs;
Search for shortest paths in the time graph;
Returns an Origin->Destination stack matrix with path and duration;
links = engine.graph_links(links) # links is a LineDraft export path_finder_stack = engine.path_and_duration_from_links_and_ntlegs( links, ntlegs )
- Parameters
links – link DataFrame, built with graph_links;
ntlegs – ntlegs DataFrame built;
boarding_cost – an artificial cost to add the boarding edges of the frequency graph (seconds);
ntlegs_penalty – (default 1e9) high time penalty in seconds to ensure ntlegs are used only once for access and once for eggress;
- Returns
Origin->Destination stack matrix with path and duration;
- quetzal.engine.engine.ntlegs_from_centroids_and_nodes(centroids, nodes, short_leg_speed=3, long_leg_speed=15, threshold=500, n_neighbors=5, coordinates_unit='degree')[source]
From a given zoning an a given set of nodes, links the nearest nodes to each centroid of the zoning.
centroids = zones.copy() centroids['geometry'] = centroids['geometry'].apply(lambda g: g.centroid) ntlegs = engine.ntlegs_from_centroids_and_nodes( centroids, nodes, ntleg_speed=3, n_neighbors=6 )
- Parameters
centroids – a point GeoDataFrame indexed by a numeric index;
nodes – a point GeoDataFrame indexed by a numeric index;
ntleg_speed – speed, as a crow flies, along the ntlegs km/h;
n_neighbors – number of ntleg of each centroid;
coordinates_unit – degree or meter
- Returns
ntlegs, a line GeoDataFrame containing the ids of the the centroid and the node, the distance and the proximity rank;
:rtype : line GeoDataFrame
- quetzal.engine.engine.od_volume_from_zones(zones, deterrence_matrix=None, power=2, coordinates_unit='degree', intrazonal=False)[source]
- Use this function to build an Origin -> Destination demand matrix.
- a deterrence matrix can be provided, if not:
The euclidean distance matrix will be calculated automatically.
- The deterrence matrix will be calculated from the distance matrix
(elevated to a given power)
- A doubly constrained distribution will be performed in the end,
it is based on zones[‘emission’] and zones[‘attraction’]
volumes = engine.od_volume_from_zones(zones, power=2) volumes = engine.od_volume_from_zones(zones, friction_matrix)
- Parameters
zones – zoning GeoDataFrame, indexed by the zones numeric contains a geometry column named ‘geometry’, productions and attractions
deterrence_matrix – Default None. The deterrence matrix used to compute the distribution. If not provided, a deterrence matrix will automatically be computed from the euclidean distance elevated to a given power.
power – the friction curve used in the gravity model is equal to the euclidean distance to the power of this exponent
intrazonal – (bool) if True, computes intrazonal volumes using a zone characteristic distance. Default False.
- Returns
volumes, a DataFrame with the following columns [‘origin’, ‘destination’, ‘volume’]
- quetzal.engine.engine.path_and_duration_from_links_and_ntlegs(links, ntlegs, pole_set, footpaths=None, boarding_cost=300, ntlegs_penalty=1000000000.0)[source]
- This is a graph builder and a pathfinder wrapper
Builds a public transport frequency graph from links;
Adds access and eggress to the graph (accegg) using the ntlegs;
Search for shortest paths in the time graph;
Returns an Origin->Destination stack matrix with path and duration;
links = engine.graph_links(links) # links is a LineDraft export path_finder_stack = engine.path_and_duration_from_links_and_ntlegs( links, ntlegs )
- Parameters
links – link DataFrame, built with graph_links;
ntlegs – ntlegs DataFrame built;
boarding_cost – an artificial cost to add the boarding edges of the frequency graph (seconds);
ntlegs_penalty – (default 1e9) high time penalty in seconds to ensure ntlegs are used only once for access and once for eggress;
- Returns
Origin->Destination stack matrix with path and duration;