quetzal.model.stepmodel module
- class quetzal.model.stepmodel.StepModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]
- Object StepModelcontains most of the transport model with :
Attributes are the caracteristics of the model
Methods are the steps and functions of the model
- zones
Zoning system of the model.
- Type
- Main columns
- centroids
Centroids of the zoning system of the model. Usually created by method preparation_ntlegs.
- Type
- Main columns
- segments
Demand segments of the model. Created by the user.
- Type
- volumes
Volumes per OD pair. Usually created by method step_distribution or user input.
- Type
- Main columns
volume per demand segment
- epsg
- Type
- links
Links of the public transport system and pt routes caracteristics. Each line of the geodataframe correspond to a section of a PT route between two nodes=stops (‘a’ and ‘b’). Usually created by shapefile importer or GTFS importer.
- Type
- Main columns
‘a’ – initial nodes of the link
‘b’ – final nodes of the link
‘route_type’ – mode of the line
‘road_a’ – caracteristics of the roads sections which supports the link section (created by method preparation_cast_network)
‘road_b’ – caracteristics of the roads sections which supports the link section (created by method preparation_cast_network)
‘road_node_list’ – caracteristics of the roads sections which supports the link section (created by method preparation_cast_network)
‘road_link_list’ – caracteristics of the roads sections which supports the link section (created by method preparation_cast_network)
‘road_length’ – caracteristics of the roads sections which supports the link section (created by method preparation_cast_network)
‘volume’ – results of the step_assignment
‘boardings’ – results of the step_assignment
‘alightings’ – results of the step_assignment
- nodes
Public transport stations. Usually created by shapefile importer or GTFS importer.
- Type
- Main columns
- road_links
Links (edges) of the road network - between two road_nodes. Usually created by shapefile importer or OSMNX.
- Type
- Main columns
‘a’ – initial road_nodes of the road link
‘b’ – final road_nodes of the road link
‘length’ – caracteristics of the section
‘geometry’ – caracteristics of the section
‘time’ – caracteristics of the section
‘walk_time’ – caracteristics of the section
‘capacity’ – caracteristics of the section
‘vdf’ – description of the jam function
‘alpha’ – description of the jam function
‘beta’ – description of the jam function
‘limit’ – description of the jam function
‘penalty’ – description of the jam function
‘flow’ – results of the step_road_pathfinder
‘jam_time’ – results of the step_road_pathfinder
- road_nodes
Nodes of the road network. Usually created by shapefile importer or OSMNX.
- Type
- Main columns
- zone_to_road
Connectors, aka non-transit leg (ntleg), from zones to road_nodes. Usually created by method preparation_ntlegs.
- Type
- Main columns
initial and final zone/road_nodes of the ntleg (‘a’, ‘b’)
description of the ntleg (‘rank’, ‘distance’, ‘geometry’, ‘direction’)
description og the speed and time (‘speed_factor’, ‘short_leg_speed’, ‘long_leg_speed’, ‘speed’, ‘time’, ‘walk_time’)
- zone_to_transit
Connectors, aka non-transit leg (ntleg), from zones to nodes (PT stations). Usually created by method preparation_ntlegs.
- Type
- Main columns
initial and final zone/nodes(stop) of the ntleg (‘a’, ‘b’)
description of the ntleg (‘rank’, ‘distance’, ‘geometry’, ‘direction’)
description og the speed and time (‘speed_factor’, ‘short_leg_speed’, ‘long_leg_speed’, ‘speed’, ‘time’, ‘walk_time’)
- road_to_transit
Connectors, aka non-transit leg (ntleg), from road_nodes to nodes (pt stations). Usually created by method preparation_ntlegs.
- Type
- Main columns
initial and final node/road_nodes of the ntleg (‘a’, ‘b’)
description of the ntleg (‘rank’, ‘distance’, ‘geometry’, ‘direction’)
description og the speed and time (‘speed_factor’, ‘short_leg_speed’, ‘long_leg_speed’, ‘speed’, ‘time’, ‘walk_time’)
- footpaths
Pedestrian links between stations to allow connections. Usually created by method preparation_footpaths.
- Type
- Main columns
- pt_los
Level of service of the pt network - for each OD pair, possible paths and their caracteristics. Each line of the df being a path. Usually created by method step_pt_pathfinder.
- Type
- Main columns
OD pair (‘origin’, ‘destination’)
description of the path (‘gtime’, ‘path’, ‘pathfinder_session’, ‘reversed’, ‘all_walk’, ‘ntransfers’, ‘time_link_path’, ‘length_link_path’)
links taken by the path (‘link_path’, ‘footpaths’, ‘ntlegs’, ‘boarding_links’, ‘alighting_links’)
nodes where transfer is made (‘boardings’, ‘alightings’, ‘transfers’, ‘node_path’)
results of the step_logit (utilities (per demand segment), probabilities (per demand segment))
- car_los
Level of service of the car network - for each OD pair results of pathfinder with/without capacity restriction. Usually created by method step_road_pathfinder.
- Type
- Main columns
OD pair (‘origin’, ‘destination’)
description of the path (‘time’, ‘path’, ‘gtime’)
- pr_los
Level of service of the park and ride network - for each OD pair, possible paths and their caracteristics. Each line of the df being a path. Usually created by method step_pr_pathfinder.
- Type
- Main columns
OD pair (‘origin’, ‘destination’)
description of the path (‘gtime’, ‘path’, ‘pathfinder_session’, ‘reversed’, ‘all_walk’, ‘ntransfers’, ‘time_link_path’, ‘length_link_path’)
links taken by the path (‘link_path’, ‘footpaths’, ‘ntlegs’, ‘boarding_links’, ‘alighting_links’)
nodes where transfer is made (‘boardings’, ‘alightings’, ‘transfers’, ‘node_path’)
results of the step_logit (utilities (per demand segment), probabilities (per demand segment))
- los
Concatenation of the two tables pt_los and car_los to perform logit
- Type
- utility_values
Values of the utility parameters per mode per segment. Usually created by method preparation_logit - with parameters from the parameters file
- Type
- mode_utility
Modal constants per mode per segment. Usually created by method preparation_logit - with parameters from the parameters file
- Type
- mode_nests
Structure of the nested logit. Usually created by method preparation_logit - with parameters from the parameters file
- Type
- logit_scales
Parameter phi of the nested logit. Usually created by method preparation_logit - with parameters from the parameters file
- Type
- utilities
Agregaded utilities per OD per mode. Usually created by method step_logit.
- Type
- probabilities
Agregaded probabilities per OD per mode. Usually created by method step_logit.
- Type
- add_type_prefixes(prefixes={'links': 'link_', 'nodes': 'node_', 'zones': 'zone_'})
deprecated! * requires: links, nodes, zones * builds: links, nodes, zones
- assert_convex_road_digraph()
deprecated! * requires: road_links
- assert_lines_integrity()
deprecated! * requires: links * builds: broken_sequences
- assert_no_circular_lines()
deprecated! The model does not work with circular lines
requires: links
builds: circular_lines
- assert_no_collision(sets=('links', 'nodes', 'zones', 'road_links', 'road_nodes'))
deprecated! * requires: links, nodes, zones
- assert_no_dead_ends(cutoff=5)
deprecated! look for dead-ends in the road network only the dead-ends with a dead-rank lower than the cutoff will be identified
requires: road_links
- assert_nodeset_consistency()
deprecated! * requires: nodes, links
- build_lines(line_columns='all', group_id='trip_id', *args, **kwargs)
deprecated! None
- checkpoints(link_checkpoints=(), node_checkpoints=(), **loaded_links_and_nodes_kwargs)
deprecated! tree analysis (arborescences) :param link_checkpoints: mandatory transit links collection (set) :param nodes_checkpoints: mandatory transit nodes :param volume column: column of self.od_stack to assign :loaded_links_and_nodes_kwargs: …
sm.checkpoints(link_checkpoints = {}, node_checkpoints={41}) export.assigned_links_nodes_to_shp( sm.checkpoint_links, sm.checkpoint_nodes, gis_path=gis_path, link_name='links_test.shp', node_name='nodes_test.shp'
- clean_road_network(cutoff=10, recursive_depth=1)
deprecated! clean road_network
requires: road_links, road_nodes
builds: road_links, road_nodes
- get_lines_integrity()
deprecated! * requires: links * builds: links
- get_no_circular_lines()
deprecated! * requires: links * builds: links
- get_no_collision(prefixes={'links': 'link_', 'nodes': 'node_', 'zones': 'zone_'})
deprecated! * requires: links, nodes, zones * builds: links, nodes, zones
- linear_solver(constrained_links, nb_clusters=20, cluster_column=None, link_path_column='link_path', linprog_kwargs={'bounds_A': [0.75, 1.5], 'bounds_emissions': [0.8, 1.2], 'bounds_tot_emissions': [0.95, 1.05], 'maxiter': 3000, 'pas_distance': 200, 'tolerance': 1e-05}, **kwargs)
deprecated! To perform the optimization on a model object once it is built and run, in order to match the observed volumes.
requires: od_stack, constrained_links
builds: aggregated model, pivot_stack_matrix
Le but de linear_solver est de modifier la matrice des volumes par OD en la multipliant par un pivot, afin de coller aux observations recueillies sur certains nœuds/liens du réseau. Etapes: 0. Construction de l’indicatrice (matrice qui indique la présence des
liens contraints dans chaque OD)
Agrégation du modèle.
- Résolution du problème d’optimisation linéaire pour construire
pivot_stack_matrix (matrice pivot). Plus de détails dans linearsolver_utils.
Désagrégation de la matrice pivot pour revenir au modèle de base.
- renumber(max_zones=500, cluster_column=None, is_od_stack=False, **kwargs)
deprecated! Clusterize zones to optimize computation time.
- Requires
- Parameters
max_zones (int, optional, default 500) – _description_, by
cluster_column (string, optional, default None) – cluster column in self.zones if clusters are already defined
is_od_stack (bool, optional, default False) – If True, requires table od_stack
- Builds
- renumber_nodes(n_clusters=None, adaptive_clustering=False, **kwargs)
- deprecated! Create nodes clusters to optimize computation time.
It will agregate nodes based on their relative distance to build “stop areas”
- Requires
- Parameters
n_clusters (int, optional, default None) – Number of nodes clusters
adaptive_clustering (bool, optional, default False) – If True, will define itself the number of clusters. If False n_clusters must be defined
- Builds
self.links – contain recomputed links with the clusterized nodes
self.nodes – contain the clusterized nodes
self.disaggregated_nodes – contain the former nodes
- step_analysis()
deprecated! To perform on a model object once it is built and run, aggregate and analyses results.
requires: shared, zones, loaded_links, od_stack
builds: aggregated_shares, lines, economic_series
- step_cast_network(nearest_method='nodes', weight='length', penalty_factor=1, speed=3, replace_nodes=False, dumb_cast=False, **nc_kwargs)
deprecated! Finds a path for the transport lines in the actual road network, to know on which roads a bus line is going, because the public transport links are defined between two stops, without road information. It will evaluate the best combination of nodes in the road network between the two stops. The evaluation is done with the distance. The results will be found as a list of road_links for each public transport link. If the transport network has modes on dedicated infrastructure (train, metro…), create two submodels and use a dumbcast on the dedicated infrastructure modes.
- Requires
- Parameters
nearest_method (['nodes'|'links'], optional, default 'nodes') –
Options are:
’nodes’ –(default) looks for the actual nearest node in road_nodes. ‘links’ –looks for the nearest link to a stop in road_links and links the stop to its end_node (b)
weight (str, optional, default 'length') – Column of road_links containing road_links length
penalty_factor (int, optional, default 1) – Multiplicative penality of weight
speed (int, optional, default 3) – Walk speed
replace_nodes (bool, optional, default False) – If True replaces nodes by road_nodes. If False, model will use road_to_transit ntlegs
dumb_cast (bool, optional, default False) – If True, the network is casted on himself (cast links on links and not on road_links). It will still return the closest road_node for the stops.
nodes_checkpoints – mandatory transit nodes
- Builds
self.links – add columns road_a, road_b, road_node_list, road_link_list, road_length
- step_desire(store_shp=False, **to_shp_kwarg)
deprecated! Builds the desire matrix
requires: zones, shares
builds: neighborhood, macro_neighborhood
- step_footpaths(road=False, speed=3, max_length=None, n_clusters=None, **kwargs)
deprecated! Create the footpaths : pedestrian links between stations (nodes), that will allow transfers between stations.
- Requires
- Parameters
road (bool, optional, default False) – If True, compute walk_time on road_links based on parameter speed
speed (int, optional, default 3) – Speed of walk on footpaths. Smaller than real walk speed because the footpaths do not follow roads
max_length (int, optional, default None) – Maximal length of footpaths
n_clusters (int, optional, default None) – Number of nodes clusters : create nodes clusters to optimize computation time. It will agregate nodes based on their relative distance to build “stop areas”
- Builds
self.road_links – add columns walk_time if road=True
- step_modal_split(build_od_stack=True, **modal_split_kwargs)
deprecated! Performs modal split. Use only for simple models with the modes Public Transport and Car, with few details : only based on duration and modal penalties. Based on modes demand and levels of services, it returns the volume by mode. Does not include price. For modal split, prefer the use of function step_logit
Utility(car) = alpha_car * ‘duration_car’ + beta_car
Utility(pt) = ‘duration_pt’
- Requires
self.volumes – all mode origin->destination demand matrix
self.los – levels of service. An od stack matrix with ‘duration_pt’ and ‘duration_car’
- Parameters
build_od_stack (bool, optional) – _description_, by default True
time_scale (float) – time scale of the logistic regression that compares utilities. Defines selectiveness. Defined as 1/(utility value of time, in seconds)
alpha_car (float) – multiplicative penalty on ‘duration_car’ for the calculation of ‘utility_car’
beta_car (float) – additive penalty on ‘duration_car’ for the calculation of ‘utility_car’
- Builds
- ::
- los = pd.merge(
car_los, pt_los, on=[‘origin’, ‘destination’], suffixes=[‘_car’, ‘_pt’]
- sm.step_modal_split(
time_scale=1/1800, alpha_car=2, beta_car=600
- step_ntlegs(short_leg_speed=2, long_leg_speed=10, threshold=1000, n_ntlegs=5, max_ntleg_length=5000, zone_to_transit=True, zone_to_road=False, prefix=False)
deprecated! Builds the centroids and the non-transit links/legs (ntlegs), also known as connectors. Pameters short_leg_speed and long_leg_speed allow to model diferent types of access to the network (PT/private): for short connectors, the short_leg_speed is used - it represents a walk speed. For long connectors, which will occur for large zones at the edge of the study area, we may want to consider that the access to the network is made by car/taxi, and hence at a larger speed, the long_leg_speed. Function integrates a curve to smoothly go from short_leg_speed to long_leg_speed (can be understood as probability to access by foot or car).
- Requires
- Parameters
short_leg_speed (int, optional, default 2) – Speed of the short legs, in km/h
long_leg_speed (int, optional, default 10) – Speed of the short legs, in km/h
threshold (int, optional, default 1000) – Threshold for the definition of the short and long legs
n_ntlegs (int, optional, default 5) – Number of ntlegs to create per zone (and per type)
max_ntleg_length (int, optional, default 5000) – maximal length of the ntlegs, in m
zone_to_transit (bool, optional, default True) – True to create links between zones and transit stops (nodes)
zone_to_road (bool, optional, default False) – True to create links between zones and road_nodes, and between road_nodes and nodes
prefix (bool, optional, default False) – If True, add prefixes to the index of the ntlegs ztt_ (zone_to_transit), ztr_ (zone_to_road), rtt_ (road_to_transit)
- Builds
- ::
- sm.step_ntlegs(
n_ntlegs=5, walk_speed=2, short_leg_speed=3, long_leg_speed=15, threshold=500, max_ntleg_length=5000
- step_pathfinder(broken_routes=True, broken_modes=True, route_column='route_id', mode_column='route_type', boarding_time=None, speedup=False, walk_on_road=False, keep_pathfinder=False, force=False, path_analysis=True, **kwargs)
deprecated! Performs public transport pathfinder.
- With :
all or nothing Diskjstra algorithm if broken_routes=False AND broken_modes=False
Prunning algorithm if broken_routes=True OR/AND broken_modes=True
For optimal strategy pathfinder, use step_pt_pathfinder of the class OptimalModel
For connection scan pathfinder algorithm (with time tables), use step_pt_pathfinder of the class ConnectionScanModel.
- Requires
- Parameters
broken_routes (bool, optional, default True) – If True, will perform the route breaker of the pathfinder prunning algorithm with the different routes found in the route_column
broken_modes (bool, optional, default True) – If True, will perform the mode breaker of the pathfinder prunning algorithm with the different modes found in the mode_column
route_column (str, optional, default 'route_id') – columns of the self.links containing the routes identifier (prunning algorithm)
mode_column (str, optional, default 'route_type') – columns of the self.links containing the modes identifier (prunning algorithm)
boarding_time (float, optional, default None) – aditional boarding time
alighting_time (float, optional, default None) – aditional alighting time
speedup (bool, optional, default False) – Speed up the computation time, by
walk_on_road (bool, optional, default False) – If True, will consider using the road network and zone_to_road for pedestrian paths. Warning : it will only compare those paths using the raod network with the paths using pedestrian links (footpaths, zone_to_transit) Force the use of road network for pedestrian paths by NOT defining footpaths and zone_to_transit
keep_pathfinder (bool, optional, default False) – If True, keeps all computation steps of the pathfinder Use to performed advanced route and mode breaker (without the need to create submodel for route_breaker, for example)
force (bool, optional, default False) – If True, will NOT perform integrity_test_collision on the ‘nodes’, ‘links’, ‘zones’,’road_nodes’, ‘road_links’.
path_analysis (bool, optional, default True) – Performs paths analysis, adds columns ‘all_walk’ and ‘ntransfers’ to the output pt_los
- Builds