Quetzal Overview
Quetzal is a Python package providing flexible models for transport planning and traffic forecasting. It offers tools to help us carry out modelling tasks in the fields of data pre-processing and integrity checks, data-management and transport-modelling.
Free software
Quetzal is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the CeCILL-B License. We welcome contributions, join us on GitHub: https://github.com/systragroup/quetzal.
Quetzal was born in 2016. The first public release was in 2018.
Quetzal is based on a main object called StepModel. It stores the data as attributes and makes the modelling procedures available as methods.
In terms of data storage, the models designed with Quetzal relies on light data formats. They can be stored as zipped HDF5 which is hyper fast or as JSONs, which are human readable and easy to track for changes. They can be stored, shared and versioned with Github which makes collaborative projects easier.
In the documentation, for every method, the required attributes and the expected products are listed. The two main groups of methods are the preparation or pre-processing methods and the step methods.
Data Preparation
Quetzal was designed around the use of open data and provides implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms to process poorly georeferenced GTFS and Open Street Map data. It takes advantage of graph analysis to build a consistent network-conscious timetable from a stop sequence-based, network-naïve timetable and an extraneous road network.
To save computer time, it is often worth reducing the size of the input data. Quetzal makes extensive use of geomatics algorithms to build:
aggregated zonings : preparation_clusterize_zones
station clusters : preparation_clusterize_nodes
Quetzal embeds automated consistency checks on the timetables and the road network that spot the most frequent error sources such as :
non-convex road networks : integrity_fix_road_network
incomplete public transport stop sequences : integrity_fix_sequences
namespace collisions (names shared between independent objects) : integrity_fix_collision
fix circular lines : integrity_fix_circular_lines
fix nodeset consistency (public transport and roads): integrity_fix_nodeset_consistency and integrity_fix_road_nodeset_consistency
Network casting : Public transport timetables and road networks are key inputs to many studies, but often come from independent sources. It is necessary to link them in order to model their physical interactions such as the impact of private car traffic on the commercial speed of road-based public modes. Function : preparation_cast_network
In order to have a functioning model, before the application of stepmodel functions and after data preparation, the following functions will have to be used :
Prepare connectors : preparation_ntlegs
allow public transport connections : preparation_footpaths
Step Model
Quetzal provides a complete algorithm suite to help design a standard four-stage model or more customized ones. The downstream articulation between modal split and assignment is flexible since both use a utility-based nested Logit. The modal split and the assignment (volume split between the many PT options) can be performed with a single nested logit model. This approach helps enhance the consistency between the modal split and the assignment steps.
There is no real need for a specialized library to achieve the generation step and the Python language offers many options to do so.
Once the productions and attractions are estimated, Quetzal offers a doubly constrained distribution based on an impedance matrix that can be provided as an input or generated from a gravitational model : step_distribution The growth of the OD matrix can also be performed with a Fratar.
The goal of the public transport and car LOS estimation is to gather for all origin-destination pairs a collection of paths and compute a voyager utility for each of them.
The levels of service (LOS) of the public transports (time, transfers, fares, …etc.) are estimated with graph algorithms. Those algorithms can be parametrized through the function step_pt_pathfinder, based on frequency.
The fastest option is to compute only the best path
The most accurate one is to alternatively break sections of the Public Transport graph and compute the best paths in the broken graphs.
The car travel time can be estimated with step_road_pathfinder. This function performs road assigment by performing the pathfinder, because travel time depends on congestion.
a simple use of the Dijkstra Algorithm if the congestion is of no concern.
Frank Wolfe Algorithm which leads to a car assignment in Wardrop equilibrium
There is the possibility to use Park and Ride with the dedicaded pathdfinder step_pr_pathfinder
Pathfinders based on timetables depend on other classes :
Use the following functions to perform the nested logit :
concatenate pt_los and car_los in an unique table self.los
Builds the necessary tables to perform the following functions : preparation_logit
Compute utilities per mode per segment based on logit parameters : analysis_mode_utility
Performs the nested logit, that is to say compute the probabilities per segment : step_logit
Assignment of private transport is done with the function step_pr_pathfinder. For public transport assignment, we will use :
Compute volume in the level of services table : compute_los_volume
Compute the volumes on the links of the public transport network, and the boardings and alightings on the nodes of the PT network : step_assignment