Source code for quetzal.model.preparationmodel

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from quetzal.engine import connectivity, engine, gps_tracks
from quetzal.engine.add_network import NetworkCaster
from quetzal.engine.add_network_mapmatching import NetworkCaster_MapMaptching
from quetzal.model import cubemodel, model
from syspy.renumber import renumber
from syspy.skims import skims
from tqdm import tqdm
import networkx as nx
import warnings

[docs]def read_hdf(filepath): m = PreparationModel(hdf_database=filepath) return m
[docs]def read_json(folder, **kwargs): m = PreparationModel() m.read_json(folder, **kwargs) return m
track_args = model.track_args log = model.log
[docs]class PreparationModel(model.Model, cubemodel.cubeModel): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) """This class contains fonctions that can be applied to models for preparation of : - connectors (zone to transit, to road) - pedestrian footpaths """
[docs] @track_args def preparation_footpaths( self, road=False, speed=3, max_length=None, n_clusters=None, **kwargs ): """Create the footpaths : pedestrian links between stations (nodes), that will allow transfers between stations. Requires ---------- self.nodes Parameters ---------- road : bool, optional, default False If True, compute walk_time on road_links based on parameter speed speed : int, optional, default 3 Speed of walk on footpaths. Smaller than real walk speed because the footpaths do not follow roads max_length : int, optional, default None Maximal length of footpaths n_clusters : int, optional, default None Number of nodes clusters : create nodes clusters to optimize computation time. It will agregate nodes based on their relative distance to build "stop areas" Builds ---------- self.footpaths self.road_links : add columns walk_time if road=True """ try: self.footpaths = connectivity.build_footpaths( self.nodes, speed=speed, max_length=max_length, n_clusters=n_clusters, coordinates_unit=self.coordinates_unit, **kwargs ) except ValueError as e: # Shape of passed values is (1, 3019), indices imply (1, 5847) print('an error has occured: ', e) n_clusters = int(int(str(e).split('1, ')[1].split(')')[0]) * 0.9) print('now trying to run the method with n_cluster = ' + str(n_clusters)) self.footpaths = connectivity.build_footpaths( self.nodes, speed=speed, max_length=max_length, n_clusters=n_clusters, coordinates_unit=self.coordinates_unit, **kwargs ) if road: v = kwargs['speed'] * 1000 / 3600 # en m/s self.road_links['walk_time'] = self.road_links['length'] / v
[docs] @track_args def preparation_ntlegs( self, short_leg_speed=2, long_leg_speed=10, threshold=1000, n_ntlegs=5, max_ntleg_length=5000, zone_to_transit=True, zone_to_road=False, prefix=False ): """Builds the centroids and the non-transit links/legs (ntlegs), also known as connectors. Pameters short_leg_speed and long_leg_speed allow to model diferent types of access to the network (PT/private): for short connectors, the short_leg_speed is used - it represents a walk speed. For long connectors, which will occur for large zones at the edge of the study area, we may want to consider that the access to the network is made by car/taxi, and hence at a larger speed, the long_leg_speed. Function integrates a curve to smoothly go from short_leg_speed to long_leg_speed (can be understood as probability to access by foot or car). Requires ---------- self.nodes self.zones Parameters ---------- short_leg_speed : int, optional, default 2 Speed of the short legs, in km/h long_leg_speed : int, optional, default 10 Speed of the short legs, in km/h threshold : int, optional, default 1000 Threshold for the definition of the short and long legs n_ntlegs : int, optional, default 5 Number of ntlegs to create per zone (and per type) max_ntleg_length : int, optional, default 5000 maximal length of the ntlegs, in m zone_to_transit : bool, optional, default True True to create links between zones and transit stops (nodes) zone_to_road : bool, optional, default False True to create links between zones and road_nodes, and between road_nodes and nodes prefix : bool, optional, default False If True, add prefixes to the index of the ntlegs ztt_ (zone_to_transit), ztr_ (zone_to_road), rtt_ (road_to_transit) Builds ---------- self.centroids self.zone_to_transit self.zone_to_road self.road_to_transit Examples -------- :: sm.step_ntlegs( n_ntlegs=5, walk_speed=2, short_leg_speed=3, long_leg_speed=15, threshold=500, max_ntleg_length=5000 ) """ self.centroids = self.zones.copy() self.centroids['geometry'] = self.centroids['geometry'].apply( lambda g: g.centroid) length = max_ntleg_length if zone_to_transit: self.integrity_test_collision(sets=('nodes', 'zones')) ntlegs = engine.ntlegs_from_centroids_and_nodes( self.centroids, self.nodes, short_leg_speed=short_leg_speed, long_leg_speed=long_leg_speed, threshold=threshold, n_neighbors=n_ntlegs, coordinates_unit=self.coordinates_unit ) ntlegs['walk_time'] = ntlegs['time'] self.zone_to_transit = ntlegs.loc[ntlegs['distance'] < length].copy() if prefix: self.zone_to_transit.index = 'ztt_' + pd.Series(self.zone_to_transit.index).astype(str) else: warnings.warn(("zone_to_transit indexes does not have prefixes. This may cause collisions." "Consider using the option prefix=True. Prefixes will be added by default in" "a future update"), FutureWarning) if zone_to_road: self.integrity_test_collision(sets=('road_nodes', 'zones')) ntlegs = engine.ntlegs_from_centroids_and_nodes( self.centroids, self.road_nodes, short_leg_speed=short_leg_speed, long_leg_speed=long_leg_speed, threshold=threshold, n_neighbors=n_ntlegs, coordinates_unit=self.coordinates_unit ) ntlegs['walk_time'] = ntlegs['time'] self.zone_to_road = ntlegs.loc[ntlegs['distance'] < length].copy() if prefix: self.zone_to_road.index = 'ztr_' + pd.Series(self.zone_to_road.index).astype(str) else: warnings.warn(("zone_to_road indexes does not have prefixes. This may cause collisions." "Consider using the option prefix=True. Prefixes will be added by default in" "a future update"), FutureWarning) ntlegs = engine.ntlegs_from_centroids_and_nodes( self.nodes, self.road_nodes, short_leg_speed=short_leg_speed, long_leg_speed=long_leg_speed, threshold=threshold, n_neighbors=n_ntlegs, coordinates_unit=self.coordinates_unit ) ntlegs['walk_time'] = ntlegs['time'] self.road_to_transit = ntlegs.loc[ntlegs['distance'] < length].copy() if prefix: self.road_to_transit.index = 'rtt_' + pd.Series(self.road_to_transit.index).astype(str) else: warnings.warn(("road_to_transit indexes does not have prefixes. This may cause collisions." "Consider using the option prefix=True. Prefixes will be added by default in" "a future update"), FutureWarning)
[docs] def preparation_drop_redundant_zone_to_transit(self): """Keeps only relevant zone_to_transit connectors : verifies if the nodes linked to the zones exist in the self.links, and drops redundants Requires ---------- self.links self.zone_to_transit self.zones Builds ---------- self.zone_to_transit : update zone_to_transit dataframe """ self.zone_to_transit.sort_values('time', inplace=True) trips = self.links.groupby('a')['trip_id'].agg(set) df = self.zone_to_transit keep = [] # access zones = set(df.loc[df['direction'] == 'access']['a']) for zone in tqdm(set(zones)): ztt = self.zone_to_transit.loc[self.zone_to_transit['a'] == zone] if len(ztt): ztt = ztt[['b']].reset_index() ztt['trips'] = [trips.get(n, set()) for n in ztt['b']] n = 1 t = set() while len(ztt) > 0: ztt['trips'] = [trips - t for trips in ztt['trips']] ztt['n_trips'] = [len(trips) for trips in ztt['trips']] index, t, n = ztt.iloc[0][['index', 'trips', 'n_trips']].values ztt = ztt.loc[ztt['n_trips'] > 0] keep.append(index) # egress zones = set(df.loc[df['direction'] != 'access']['b']) for zone in tqdm(set(zones)): ztt = self.zone_to_transit.loc[self.zone_to_transit['b'] == zone] if len(ztt): ztt = ztt[['a']].reset_index() ztt['trips'] = [trips.get(n, set()) for n in ztt['a']] n = 1 t = set() while n > 0: ztt['trips'] = [trips - t for trips in ztt['trips']] ztt['n_trips'] = [len(trips) for trips in ztt['trips']] ztt.sort_values('n_trips', ascending=False, inplace=True) index, t, n = ztt.iloc[0][['index', 'trips', 'n_trips']].values ztt = ztt.loc[ztt['n_trips'] > 0] keep.append(index) self.zone_to_transit = self.zone_to_transit.loc[list(set(keep))]
[docs] def preparation_drop_redundant_footpaths(self, access_time='time', log=False): """Reduce number of footpaths to optimize computation by performing a shortest path algorithm in the graph made of footpaths, road_links and road_to_transit. Requires ---------- self.road_links self.road_to_transit self.footpaths Parameters ---------- access_time : str, optional, default 'time' Time column in road_to_transit and footpaths log : bool, optional, default False If true, returns the old and new numbers of footpaths Builds ---------- self.footpaths : update footpaths dataframe """ a = len(self.footpaths) g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_weighted_edges_from(self.road_links[['a','b', 'walk_time']].values) g.add_weighted_edges_from(self.road_to_transit[['a','b', access_time]].values) g.add_weighted_edges_from(self.footpaths[['a','b', access_time]].values) self.footpaths['dijkstra_time'] = [ nx.dijkstra_path_length(g, a, b) for a, b in self.footpaths[['a', 'b']].values ] self.footpaths = self.footpaths.loc[self.footpaths[access_time] <= self.footpaths['dijkstra_time']] self.footpaths.drop('dijkstra_time', axis=1, inplace=True) if log: print('reduced number of footpaths from', a, 'to', len(self.footpaths))
[docs] def preparation_drop_redundant_zone_to_road(self, access_time='time', log=False): """Reduce number of zone_to_road connectors to optimize computation by performing a shortest path algorithm in the graph made of road_links and zone_to_road. Requires ---------- self.road_links self.zone_to_road Parameters ---------- access_time : str, optional, default 'time' Time column in zone_to_road log : bool, optional, default False If true, returns the old and new numbers of zone_to_road Builds ---------- self.zone_to_road : update zone_to_road dataframe """ a = len(self.zone_to_road) g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_weighted_edges_from(self.road_links[['a','b', 'walk_time']].values) g.add_weighted_edges_from(self.zone_to_road[['a','b', access_time]].values) self.zone_to_road['dijkstra_time'] = [ nx.dijkstra_path_length(g, a, b) for a, b in self.zone_to_road[['a', 'b']].values ] self.zone_to_road = self.zone_to_road.loc[self.zone_to_road[access_time] <= self.zone_to_road['dijkstra_time']] self.zone_to_road.drop('dijkstra_time', axis=1, inplace=True) if log: print('reduced number of zone_to_road from', a, 'to', len(self.zone_to_road))
[docs] def preparation_drop_redundant_road_to_transit(self, access_time='time', log=False): """Reduce number of road_to_transit connectors to optimize computation by performing a shortest path algorithm in the graph made of road_links and road_to_transit. Requires ---------- self.road_links self.road_to_transit Parameters ---------- access_time : str, optional, default 'time' Time column in road_to_transit log : bool, optional, default False If true, returns the old and new numbers of road_to_transit Builds ---------- self.road_to_transit : update road_to_transit dataframe """ a = len(self.road_to_transit) g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_weighted_edges_from(self.road_links[['a','b', 'walk_time']].values) g.add_weighted_edges_from(self.road_to_transit[['a','b', access_time]].values) self.road_to_transit['dijkstra_time'] = [ nx.dijkstra_path_length(g, a, b) for a, b in self.road_to_transit[['a', 'b']].values ] self.road_to_transit = self.road_to_transit.loc[self.road_to_transit[access_time] <= self.road_to_transit['dijkstra_time']] self.road_to_transit.drop('dijkstra_time', axis=1, inplace=True) if log: print('reduced number of road_to_transit from', a, 'to', len(self.road_to_transit))
[docs] @track_args def preparation_cast_network( self, nearest_method='nodes', weight='length', penalty_factor=1, speed=3, replace_nodes=False, dumb_cast=False, **nc_kwargs ): """Finds a path for the transport lines in the actual road network, to know on which roads a bus line is going, because the public transport links are defined between two stops, without road information. It will evaluate the best combination of nodes in the road network between the two stops. The evaluation is done with the distance. The results will be found as a list of road_links for each public transport link. If the transport network has modes on dedicated infrastructure (train, metro...), create two submodels and use a dumbcast on the dedicated infrastructure modes. Requires ---------- self.nodes self.links self.road_nodes self.road_links Parameters ---------- nearest_method : ['nodes'|'links'], optional, default 'nodes' Options are: 'nodes' --(default) looks for the actual nearest node in road_nodes. 'links' --looks for the nearest link to a stop in road_links and links the stop to its end_node (b) weight : str, optional, default 'length' Column of road_links containing road_links length penalty_factor : int, optional, default 1 Multiplicative penality of weight speed : int, optional, default 3 Walk speed replace_nodes : bool, optional, default False If True replaces nodes by road_nodes. If False, model will use road_to_transit ntlegs dumb_cast : bool, optional, default False If True, the network is casted on himself (cast links on links and not on road_links). It will still return the closest road_node for the stops. nodes_checkpoints : mandatory transit nodes Builds ---------- self.links : add columns road_a, road_b, road_node_list, road_link_list, road_length """ if dumb_cast: nc = NetworkCaster( self.nodes, self.links, self.road_nodes ) nc.dumb_cast() else: try: self.road_links[weight] + 1 except TypeError: raise TypeError(str(weight) + ' should be an int or a float') nc = NetworkCaster( self.nodes, self.links, self.road_nodes, self.road_links, weight=weight ) nearest_method=nearest_method, penalty_factor=penalty_factor, coordinates_unit=self.coordinates_unit, geometry=True, **nc_kwargs ) self.networkcaster = nc self.links = nc.links if not dumb_cast: self.networkcaster_neighbors = nc.neighbors.reset_index(drop=True) self.networkcaster_road_access = nc.road_access.reset_index(drop=True) if replace_nodes: self.links[['a', 'b']] = self.links[['road_a', 'road_b']] self.links = self.links.loc[self.links['a'] != self.links['b']] self.nodes = self.road_nodes.loc[list(self.link_nodeset())].copy() self.road_to_transit = None # if we do not replace the nodes by the road_nodes, # we have to provide road to transit legs... elif not dumb_cast: rc = nc.road_access['geometry'].reset_index() if self.coordinates_unit == 'degree': rc['length'] = skims.distance_from_geometry(rc['geometry']) elif self.coordinates_unit == 'meter': rc['length'] = rc['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.length) else: raise('Invalid coordinates_unit.') rc['time'] = (rc['length'] / 1000 / speed * 3600) to_road = rc.rename(columns={'node': 'a', 'road_node': 'b'}) from_road = rc.rename(columns={'node': 'b', 'road_node': 'a'}) to_road['direction'] = 'to_road' from_road['direction'] = 'from_road' concatenated = pd.concat([from_road, to_road]) self.road_to_transit = concatenated.reindex().reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @track_args def preparation_map_matching(self, routing=True, n_neighbors_centroid=100, n_neighbors=10, distance_max=5000, by='trip_id', sequence = 'link_sequence'): """Mapmatch each trip_id in self.links to the road_network (self.road_links) Parameters ---------- routing : bool, optional _description_, by default True n_neighbors_centroid : int, optional _description_, by default 100 n_neighbors : int, optional _description_, by default 10 distance_max : int, optional _description_, by default 5000 by : str, optional _description_, by default 'trip_id' sequence : str, optional _description_, by default 'link_sequence' Builds ---------- """ ncm = NetworkCaster_MapMaptching(self.nodes, self.road_links, self.links, by, sequence) matched_links, links_mat, unmatched_trip = ncm.Multi_Mapmatching(routing=routing, n_neighbors_centroid=n_neighbors_centroid, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, distance_max=distance_max, by=by) matched_links['road_id_a'] = matched_links['road_id_a'].apply(lambda x: ncm.links_index_dict.get(x)) matched_links['road_id_b'] = matched_links['road_id_b'].apply(lambda x: ncm.links_index_dict.get(x)) road_a_dict = matched_links['road_id_a'].to_dict() road_b_dict = matched_links['road_id_b'].to_dict() length_dict = matched_links['length'].to_dict() self.links['road_a'] = self.links['road_b'] = self.links['length'] = self.links = self.links.merge(links_mat[['road_node_list', 'road_link_list']], left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left')
[docs] @track_args def preparation_logit( self, mode=1, pt_mode=1, pt_path=1, segments=[], time=-1, price=-1, transfers=-1, time_shift=None, route_types=None ): """Builds the necessary tables to perform analysis_mode_utility and step_logit. They contain the parameters of the nested logit. For the neste logit we should have 1 >= mode >= pt_mode >= pt_path > 0. If the three of them are equal to 1 the nested logit will be equivalent to a flat logit. Does not require specific attributes in self. Parameters ---------- mode : int, optional, default 1 phi parameter used in the logit choice between modes pt_mode : int, optional, default 1 phi parameter used in the logit choice between pt modes pt_path : int, optional, default 1 phi parameter used in the logit choice between pt paths segments : list, optional, default [] Demand segments we want to use in the logit time : int, optional, default -1 number of utility units by seconds price : int, optional, default -1 number of utility units by currency unit transfers : int, optional, default -1 number of utility units by transfer time_shift : int, optional, default None Used with timetable (time expanded) models. Number of utility units by time_shift Builds ---------- self.mode_utility : Modal constants, per mode and per segment self.mode_nests : Structure of the nested logit per segment self.logit_scales : Scales of the nested logit per segment (parameters phi) self.utility_values Utility values of time, price, transfers and time_shift per segment """ # TODO : move to preparation # utility values if time_shift is None: self.utility_values = pd.DataFrame( {'root': pd.Series({'time': time, 'price': price, 'ntransfers': transfers, 'mode_utility': 1})} ) else: self.utility_values = pd.DataFrame( {'root': pd.Series({'time': time, 'price': price, 'ntransfers': transfers, 'mode_utility': 1, 'time_shift': time_shift})} ) = 'value' = 'segment' if route_types is None: link_rt = set(self.links['route_type'].unique()) route_types = link_rt.union({'car', 'walk', 'root'}) # mode_utility self.mode_utility = pd.DataFrame( {'root': pd.Series({rt: 0 for rt in route_types})} ) = 'route_type' = 'segment' # mode nests self.mode_nests = pd.DataFrame( {'root': pd.Series({rt: 'pt' for rt in route_types})} ) self.mode_nests.loc['pt', 'root'] = 'root' self.mode_nests.loc[['car', 'walk'], 'root'] = 'root' self.mode_nests.loc[['root'], 'root'] = np.nan = 'route_type' = 'segment' # logit_scales self.logit_scales = self.mode_nests.copy() self.logit_scales['root'] = pt_path self.logit_scales.loc[['car', 'walk'], 'root'] = 0 self.logit_scales.loc[['pt'], 'root'] = pt_mode self.logit_scales.loc[['root'], 'root'] = mode for segment in segments: for df in (self.mode_utility, self.mode_nests, self.logit_scales, self.utility_values): df[segment] = df['root']
[docs] @track_args def preparation_clusterize_zones( self, max_zones=500, cluster_column=None, is_od_stack=False, **kwargs ): """Clusterize zones to optimize computation time. Requires ---------- self.zones self.volumes Parameters ---------- max_zones : int, optional, default 500 _description_, by cluster_column : string, optional, default None cluster column in self.zones if clusters are already defined is_od_stack : bool, optional, default False If True, requires table od_stack Builds ---------- self.zones self.volumes self.cluster_series """ zones = self.zones zones['geometry'] = zones['geometry'].apply(lambda g: g.buffer(1e-9)) self.micro_zones = zones.copy() self.micro_volumes = self.volumes.copy() if is_od_stack: self.micro_od_stack = self.od_stack.copy() self.zones, self.volumes, self.cluster_series, self.od_stack = renumber.renumber_quetzal( self.micro_zones, self.micro_volumes, self.micro_od_stack, max_zones, cluster_column, **kwargs ) else: self.zones, self.volumes, self.cluster_series = renumber.renumber( self.micro_zones, self.micro_volumes, max_zones, cluster_column, **kwargs )
[docs] @track_args def preparation_clusterize_nodes(self, n_clusters=None, adaptive_clustering=False, **kwargs): """Create nodes clusters to optimize computation time. It will agregate nodes based on their relative distance to build "stop areas" Requires ---------- self.nodes Parameters ---------- n_clusters : int, optional, default None Number of nodes clusters adaptive_clustering : bool, optional, default False If True, will define itself the number of clusters. If False n_clusters must be defined Builds ---------- self.links : contain recomputed links with the clusterized nodes self.nodes : contain the clusterized nodes self.disaggregated_nodes : contain the former nodes """ self.disaggregated_nodes = self.nodes.copy() if not adaptive_clustering: assert n_clusters is not None, 'n_clusters must be defined if adaptive_clustering is False' if len(self.nodes) <= n_clusters: return if adaptive_clustering: if 'clustering_zones' not in self.__dict__.keys(): self.clustering_zones = self.zones.copy() self.nodes = connectivity.adaptive_clustering(self.nodes, self.clustering_zones, **kwargs) self.links, self.nodes, self.node_clusters, self.node_parenthood = connectivity.node_clustering( self.links, self.nodes, n_clusters, group_id='adaptive_cluster_id' ) else: self.links, self.nodes, self.node_clusters, self.node_parenthood = connectivity.node_clustering( self.links, self.nodes, n_clusters, **kwargs ) self.node_parenthood = self.node_parenthood[['cluster', 'geometry']] self.node_clusters['geometry'] = self.node_clusters[ 'geometry' ].apply(lambda g: g.buffer(1e-9))
[docs] def preparation_map_tracks( self, agg={'speed': lambda s: s.mean() * 3.6}, buffer=50, smoothing_span=100, *args, **kwargs ): """Grand mystère Requires ---------- self.nodes Parameters ---------- agg : dict, optional _description_, by default {'speed': lambda s: s.mean() * 3.6} buffer : int, optional _description_, by default 50 smoothing_span : int, optional _description_, by default 100 Builds ---------- """ # agg = ['mean', 'min', 'max', 'std', list] for extensive description of speeds to_concat = [] iterator = tqdm(self.track_points['trip_id'].unique()) for trip_id in iterator: iterator.desc = str(trip_id) points = self.track_points.loc[self.track_points['trip_id'] == trip_id] times = gps_tracks.get_times( points, road_links=self.road_links, buffer=buffer, road_nodes=self.road_nodes, smoothing_span=smoothing_span ) times['trip_id'] = trip_id to_concat.append(times) # INDEX self.road_links.drop(['index'], axis=1, errors='ignore', inplace=True) indexed = self.road_links.reset_index().set_index(['a', 'b'])['index'].to_dict() concatenated = pd.concat(to_concat) concatenated['road_link'] = concatenated.apply(lambda r: indexed[(r['a'], r['b'])], axis=1) aggregated = concatenated.groupby(['road_link']).agg(agg) for c in aggregated.columns: self.road_links[c] = aggregated[c] self.track_links = concatenated.drop(['a', 'b'], axis=1)