Source code for quetzal.model.cubemodel

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import pandasdbf
from import pandasshp
from syspy.spatial import spatial
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]def head_string(links, trip_id): return 'LINE NAME="%s", ONEWAY=T, ' % trip_id
[docs]def stop_and_node_string(links, trip_id, road=True): if 'road_node_list' not in links.columns: road = False line = links.loc[links['trip_id'] == trip_id] if road: try: dicts = [] for nodes in list(line['road_node_list']): dicts.append({'nodes': nodes[1:-1], 'stop': nodes[-1]}) s = 'N=%s' % (str(line['road_a'].iloc[0])) for chunk in dicts: for node in chunk['nodes']: s += ', ' + '-' + str(node) s += ', ' + str(chunk['stop']) except IndexError: # road_node_list is empty return stop_and_node_string(links, trip_id, road=False) else: line = links.loc[links['trip_id'] == trip_id] s = 'N=%s' % (str(line['a'].iloc[0])) for b in line['b']: s += ', %s' % b return s
[docs]def lin_string(links, trip_id, custom_head=head_string): return custom_head(links, trip_id) + stop_and_node_string(links, trip_id)
[docs]class cubeModel(): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def to_lin( self, path_or_buf, custom_head=head_string, separate=False, route_type=None, **kwargs ): if separate: route_types = set(self.links.route_type) for route_type in route_types: route_type_path = path_or_buf + r'/route_type_%s.lin' % str(route_type) self.to_lin( route_type_path, custom_head=custom_head, separate=False, route_type=route_type ) else: links = self.links.loc[self.links['a'] != self.links['b']].copy() if route_type is not None: links = links.loc[links['route_type'] == route_type] if len(links) > 0: lines = sorted(list(set(links['trip_id']))) lin = '' for trip_id in tqdm(lines): lin += lin_string(links, trip_id, custom_head) lin += ' \n' with open(path_or_buf, 'w') as file: file.write(lin)
[docs] def to_net( self, folder, zone_index_to_int=int, node_index_to_int=int, keep_link_columns=[], keep_node_columns=[], keep_zone_columns=[], ntleg_type=10, footpath_type=10, separate=True, road_network=True, ): """ dump all the files that you will need to build a network in the folder """ self.check_link_references() # no orphan node road_links = self.road_links.copy() if road_network else pd.DataFrame() road_nodes = self.road_nodes.copy() if road_network else pd.DataFrame() pt_links = self.links.copy() road_links['type'] = 0 pt_links['type'] = pt_links['route_type'] links = pd.concat([road_links, pt_links]) zones = spatial.add_geometry_coordinates( self.zones, columns=['x', 'y']) zones[['x', 'y']] = np.round(zones[['x', 'y']], 6) nodes = pd.concat([road_nodes, self.nodes.copy()]) nodes = spatial.add_geometry_coordinates(nodes, columns=['x', 'y']) nodes[['x', 'y']] = np.round(nodes[['x', 'y']], 6) zones['n'] = zones.index nodes['n'] = nodes.index zones['n'] = zones['n'].apply(zone_index_to_int) nodes['n'] = nodes['n'].apply(node_index_to_int) links['a'] = links['a'].apply(node_index_to_int) links['b'] = links['b'].apply(node_index_to_int) nodes = nodes.drop_duplicates(subset=['n']) nodes = nodes[['x', 'y', 'n', 'geometry'] + keep_node_columns] zones = zones[['x', 'y', 'n', 'geometry'] + keep_zone_columns] ntlegs = self.zone_to_road access = ntlegs.loc[ntlegs['direction'] == 'access'].copy() eggress = ntlegs.loc[ntlegs['direction'] == 'eggress'].copy() access['a'] = access['a'].apply(zone_index_to_int) eggress['b'] = eggress['b'].apply(zone_index_to_int) access['b'] = access['b'].apply(node_index_to_int) eggress['a'] = eggress['a'].apply(node_index_to_int) ntlegs = pd.concat([access, eggress]) # footpaths footpaths = self.footpaths.copy() footpaths['type'] = footpath_type footpaths['a'] = footpaths['a'].apply(node_index_to_int) footpaths['b'] = footpaths['b'].apply(node_index_to_int) ntlegs['distance'] = np.round(ntlegs['length']) links['distance'] = np.round(links['length']) footpaths['distance'] = np.round(footpaths['length']) ntlegs['type'] = ntleg_type ntlegs = ntlegs[['a', 'b', 'distance', 'geometry', 'type'] + keep_link_columns] links = links[['a', 'b', 'distance', 'geometry', 'type'] + keep_link_columns] footpaths = footpaths[['a', 'b', 'distance', 'geometry', 'type'] + keep_link_columns] links.drop_duplicates(subset=['a', 'b', 'type'], inplace=True) road_links = links[links['type'] == 0] pt_links = links[links['type'] > 0].copy() if road_network: pandasshp.write_shp(folder + 'road_links.shp', road_links, re_write=True) pandasshp.write_shp(folder + 'nodes.shp', nodes, re_write=True) pandasshp.write_shp(folder + 'zones.shp', zones, re_write=True) pandasshp.write_shp(folder + 'ntlegs.shp', ntlegs, re_write=True) pandasshp.write_shp(folder + 'footpaths.shp', footpaths, re_write=True) pandasshp.write_shp(folder + 'pt_links.shp', pt_links, re_write=True) if separate: for pt_type in set(pt_links['type']): type_links = pt_links.loc[pt_links['type'] == pt_type].copy() pandasshp.write_shp( folder + 'pt_links_route_type_%s.shp' % str(pt_type), type_links, re_write=True )
[docs] def to_mat(self, folder, zone_index_to_int=int, volume_column='volume_pt'): volumes = pd.merge( self.pt_los[['origin', 'destination']], self.volumes, on=['origin', 'destination'], how='left').fillna(0) for c in ['origin', 'destination']: volumes[c] = volumes[c].apply(zone_index_to_int) volumes.sort_values(['origin', 'destination'], inplace=True) volumes.columns = ['O', 'D', 'TRIPS'] pandasdbf.write_dbf(volumes, folder + 'od.dbf')
[docs] def to_cube( self, folder, custom_head=head_string, zone_index_to_int=int, node_index_to_int=int ): self.to_lin(folder + 'lines.lin', custom_head=custom_head) self.to_net( folder=folder, zone_index_to_int=zone_index_to_int, node_index_to_int=node_index_to_int ) self.to_mat(folder=folder, zone_index_to_int=zone_index_to_int)