Source code for

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import shapely
from syspy.spatial import spatial
from syspy.syspy_utils.syscolors import linedraft_shades, rainbow_shades

[docs]def from_linedraft( links, nodes, zones, recolor, cut_buffer, set_emission ): links = links.copy() nodes = nodes.copy() # tous les identifiants de noeuds sont des str ! nodes.index = [str(i) for i in nodes.index] # la fonction d'export de linedraft utilise le champ color, # quetzal fonctionne avec le champ line_color links['line_color'] = links['color'] if recolor: colordict = dict( zip(linedraft_shades, rainbow_shades[: len(linedraft_shades)])) links['line_color'] = links['line_color'].apply(lambda c: colordict[c]) if cut_buffer: zones = spatial.zones_in_influence_area( zones, area=None, links=links, cut_buffer=cut_buffer ) try: # cross fillna are made in order to avoid zero values zones['emission'] = zones['pop'].fillna(zones['emp'] / 100) zones['attraction'] = zones['emp'].fillna(zones['pop'] / 100) except KeyError: # pop and emp are not in columns zones['emission'] = 1 zones['attraction'] = 1 scale = zones['emission'].sum() / zones['attraction'].sum() zones['attraction'] = zones['attraction'] * scale if set_emission: grow = set_emission / zones['emission'].sum() zones[['emission', 'attraction']] *= grow zones['emission_rate'] = zones['emission'] \ / (zones['emission'] + zones['attraction']) zones['weight'] = zones['emission'] + zones['attraction'] return links, nodes, zones
[docs]def from_lines(lines, node_index=0, add_return=True, to_keep=[]): """Import public transport lines to Quetzal format from geodataframe containing the pt lines (as one per row). Creates the dataframe links and nodes defined in the stepmodel class. Parameters ---------- lines : geodataframe Name of DataFrame describing the alignements as LineSring in a *geometry* column. node_index : int, optional, default 0 number on which to start indexing nodes add_return : bool, optional, default True if True, return lines are created. Use False if the two directions of the line are in the geodataframe. to_keep : list, optional, default [] columns of lines geodataframe to keep in links Returns ------- links Links of the public transport system and pt routes caracteristics. Each line of the geodataframe correspond to a section of a PT route between two nodes nodes Public transport stations. """ lines = lines.copy() lines['temp_index'] = lines.index to_concat_links = [] to_concat_nodes = [] for line, geometry in lines[['temp_index', 'geometry']].values: links, nodes = links_and_nodes(geometry, node_index=node_index) node_index += len(nodes) links['line'] = line links['trip_id'] = str(line) links['route_id'] = str(line) for c in to_keep: links[c] = lines.loc[line, c] if not add_return: links = links[links['direction_id'] == 0] else: links.loc[links['direction_id'] == 0, 'trip_id'] += '_bis' to_concat_nodes.append(nodes) to_concat_links.append(links) links = pd.concat(to_concat_links) nodes = pd.concat(to_concat_nodes) return links.reset_index(drop=True), nodes
[docs]def from_lines_and_stations(lines, stations, buffer=1e-3, og_geoms=True, **kwargs): """Convert a set of alignement and station into a table of links. Parameters ---------- lines : pd.DataFrame (or gpd.GeoDataFrame) DataFrame describing the alignements as LineSring in a *geometry* column. stations : pd.DataFrame (or gpd.GeoDataFrame) DataFrame describing the stations as Point in a *geometry* column. buffer : Float, optional Buffer for station detection near each alignement, by default 1e-3 og_geoms : bool, optional If True (by default), the original geometry will be split between stations. If False, returned geometry will be a simplified geometry (st1 -> st2) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Table of links. As per, :func:`from_lines` output. """ stations = stations.copy() lines = lines.copy() links_concat = [] for index, line in lines.iterrows(): linestring = line['geometry'] buffered = linestring.buffer(buffer) # Filter stations using the buffer and project those stations stations['keep'] = stations['geometry'].apply(lambda g: buffered.contains(g)) near = stations[stations['keep']].copy() near['proj'] = [linestring.project(pt, normalized=True) for pt in near['geometry'].to_list()] near = near.sort_values(by='proj') stations.drop(columns=['keep'], inplace=True) # Create simplified geometry (st1 -> st2 -> ...) nodes = [linestring.interpolate(d, normalized=True) for d in near['proj']] lines.loc[index, 'geometry'] = shapely.geometry.LineString(nodes) # Get links table from simplified geometry links, nodes = from_lines(lines.loc[[index]], **kwargs) index_dict = near.reset_index()['index'].to_dict() links['a'] = links['a'].apply(lambda x: index_dict.get(x)) links['b'] = links['b'].apply(lambda x: index_dict.get(x)) # Split original geometry with stations to add orignal geometry at each links if og_geoms: split_pts = shapely.geometry.MultiPoint(nodes['geometry'].to_list()) i1 = 0 if near.iloc[0]['proj'] == 0 else 1 i2 = None if near.iloc[-1]['proj'] == 1.0 else -1 og_geoms = list(split_line_by_point(linestring, split_pts).geoms)[i1:i2] if kwargs.get('add_return', True): og_geoms += og_geoms[::-1] links['geometry'] = og_geoms links_concat.append(links) return pd.concat(links_concat), og_geoms
[docs]def split_line_by_point(line, point, tolerance: float=1.0e-9): return shapely.ops.split(shapely.ops.snap(line, point, tolerance), point)