Source code for

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from syspy.syspy_utils import syscolors

# Advice: import seaborn at the beginning of your project to create easily nice plots

[docs]def clean_seq(x, col): x = x.sort_values(col) x[col] = np.arange(1, len(x) + 1) return x
[docs]def create_two_directions_load_b_a_graph( load_fwd_bwd, load_column='load', boarding_column='boardings', alighting_column='alightings', forward_col_suffix='_fwd', backward_col_suffix='_bwd', forward_label='forward', backward_label='backward', legend=True, **kwargs): """ Export load graph for the specified line, with boardings and alightings at each station The input load_fwd_bwd must be a dataframe with the columns: - 'a': station - 'link_sequence': bar plot sequence - 'load_fwd': load forward FROM a - 'boarding_fwd': boarding forward at a (outgoing forward link) - 'alighting_fwd': alighting forward at a (incoming forward link) - 'load_bwd': load backward TO a - 'boarding_bwd': boarding forward at a (outgoing backward link) - 'alighting_bwd': alighting forward at a (incoming backward link) The user can directly chose the figure size and font size in jupyter notebook with the following lines: plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 8) plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 15 """ # Create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) load_fwd_bwd = load_fwd_bwd.copy() # FORWARD load_column_fwd = load_column + forward_col_suffix alighting_column_fwd = alighting_column + forward_col_suffix boarding_column_fwd = boarding_column + forward_col_suffix ax = plot_load_b_a_for_loadedlinks( load_fwd_bwd[ ['a', 'link_sequence', load_column_fwd, alighting_column_fwd, boarding_column_fwd] ], ax, load_column=load_column_fwd, alighting_column=alighting_column_fwd, boarding_column=boarding_column_fwd, label=forward_label, shift_alightings=False, **kwargs ) # BACKWARD load_column_bwd = load_column + backward_col_suffix alighting_column_bwd = alighting_column + backward_col_suffix boarding_column_bwd = boarding_column + backward_col_suffix load_fwd_bwd[[load_column_bwd, alighting_column_bwd, boarding_column_bwd]] *= -1 ax = plot_load_b_a_for_loadedlinks( load_fwd_bwd[ ['a', 'link_sequence', load_column_bwd, alighting_column_bwd, boarding_column_bwd] ], ax, load_column=load_column_bwd, alighting_column=alighting_column_bwd, boarding_column=boarding_column_bwd, label=backward_label, shift_alightings=False, **kwargs ) # Add zero split line plt.axhline(y=0, linewidth=2.5, color='k') return fig, ax
[docs]def directional_loads_to_station_bidirection_load( load_fwd, load_bwd, stations_to_parent_stations={}, load_column='load', boarding_column='boardings', alighting_column='alightings', forward_suffix='_fwd', backward_suffix='_bwd'): """ Take forward and backward loaded links for a line and return a station-oriented load df """ # Get parent station load_fwd = load_fwd.replace(stations_to_parent_stations) load_bwd = load_bwd.replace(stations_to_parent_stations) # Format stations = load_fwd[['a', 'link_sequence']] index_max = load_fwd['link_sequence'].max() stations = stations.append( pd.Series( { 'a': load_fwd.loc[load_fwd['link_sequence'] == index_max, 'b'].values[0], 'link_sequence': index_max + 1 } ), ignore_index=True ) stations = clean_seq(stations, 'link_sequence') # Fwd load and boarding stations = stations.merge( load_fwd[['a', load_column, boarding_column]], left_on='a', right_on='a', how='left' ) # Fwd alighting stations = stations.merge( load_fwd[['b', alighting_column]], left_on='a', right_on='b', how='left', ) # bwd load and alighting stations = stations.merge( load_bwd[['b', load_column, alighting_column]], left_on='a', right_on='b', how='left', suffixes=(forward_suffix, backward_suffix) ) # bwd boarding stations = stations.merge( load_bwd[['a', boarding_column]], left_on='a', right_on='a', how='left', suffixes=(forward_suffix, backward_suffix) ) stations = stations.fillna(0) return stations
[docs]def save_line_load_graph( load_fwd, load_bwd, load_column='volume_pt', image_name='line_load.png', yticks=None, title='Line load', legend=True, save_fig=True, clean_sequence=False, *args, **kwargs ): """ Export load graph for the specified line. The user can directly chose the figure size and font size in jupyter notebook with the following lines: plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 8) plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 15 """ # Clean link sequence if required if clean_sequence: load_fwd = clean_seq(load_fwd, 'link_sequence') load_bwd = clean_seq(load_bwd, 'link_sequence') # Creat figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, **kwargs) # forward load load_fwd['link_sequence'].values, load_fwd[load_column].values, facecolor=syscolors.red_shades[3], # edgecolor=syscolors.red_shades[2], width=1, linewidth=2, label='forward', align='edge', alpha=0.5 ) # backward load (1 + len(load_bwd) - load_bwd['link_sequence']).values, -load_bwd[load_column].values, facecolor=syscolors.red_shades[2], # edgecolor=syscolors.red_shades[1], width=1, linewidth=2, alpha=0.5, align='edge', label='backward' ) # Add zero split line plt.axhline(y=0, linewidth=2.5, color='k') # Stations labels: we need to add the terminus station plt.xticks( np.append(load_fwd['link_sequence'].values, len(load_fwd['link_sequence']) + 1), np.append(load_fwd['a'].values, load_fwd[ (load_fwd['link_sequence'] == len(load_fwd))]['b'].values[0]), ha='right', rotation=45 ) plt.title(title) if legend: plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Number of passengers') if yticks is None: rounding = int(np.floor(max(load_bwd[load_column].max(), load_fwd[load_column].max()) ** (1 / 10))) max_value = round( max(load_bwd[load_column].max(), load_fwd[load_column].max()), -rounding) yticks = np.arange(-max_value, max_value, round(max_value // 5, -rounding)) plt.yticks(yticks, [int(y) for y in abs(yticks)]) if save_fig: plt.savefig( image_name, bbox_inches='tight' )
[docs]def create_line_load_b_a_graph( load_fwd, load_bwd=None, image_name='line_load_b_a.png', width=0.2, yticks=None, xticks=None, legend=True, forward_label='forward', backward_label='backward', title='Line load', save_fig=True, clean_sequence=False): """ Export load graph for the specified line, with boardings and alightings at each station The user can directly chose the figure size and font size in jupyter notebook with the following lines: plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 8) plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 15 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 15 """ # Clean link sequence if required if clean_sequence: load_fwd = clean_seq(load_fwd, 'link_sequence') # Creat figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # forward load load_fwd['link_sequence'].values, load_fwd['volume_pt'].values, facecolor=syscolors.red_shades[3], # edgecolor=syscolors.red_shades[2], width=1, linewidth=2, label=forward_label + ' load', align='edge', alpha=0.5 ) # Forwards boardings-alightings load_fwd['link_sequence'].values + width / 2, load_fwd['boardings'].values, facecolor=syscolors.red_shades[2], width=width, label=forward_label + ' boardings', align='center', ) np.append( load_fwd['link_sequence'].values, len(load_fwd['link_sequence']) + 1 # We need to add the final alighting value which is the load ) - width / 2, np.append( load_fwd['alightings'].values, load_fwd[(load_fwd['link_sequence'] == len(load_fwd))]['volume_pt'].values[0] ), facecolor=syscolors.secondary_colors[5], width=width, label=forward_label + ' alightings', align='center' ) if load_bwd is not None: if clean_sequence: load_bwd = clean_seq(load_bwd, 'link_sequence') # backward load (1 + len(load_bwd) - load_bwd['link_sequence']).values, -load_bwd['volume_pt'].values, facecolor=syscolors.red_shades[2], # edgecolor=syscolors.red_shades[1], width=1, alpha=0.5, align='edge', label=backward_label + ' load' ) (2 + len(load_bwd) - load_bwd['link_sequence']).values + width / 2, -load_bwd['boardings'].values, facecolor=syscolors.red_shades[1], width=width, label=backward_label + ' boardings', align='center' ) np.append( (2 + len(load_bwd) - load_bwd['link_sequence'] - width / 2).values, 1 - width / 2 ), - np.append( load_bwd['alightings'].values, load_bwd[(load_bwd['link_sequence'] == len(load_bwd))]['volume_pt'].values[0] ), facecolor=syscolors.secondary_colors[4], width=width, align='center', label=backward_label + ' alightings' ) # Add zero split line plt.axhline(y=0, linewidth=2.5, color='k') # Stations labels: we need to add the terminus station if xticks is None: plt.xticks( np.append(load_fwd['link_sequence'].values, len(load_fwd['link_sequence']) + 1), np.append(load_fwd['a'].values, load_fwd[ (load_fwd['link_sequence'] == len(load_fwd))]['b'].values[0]), ha='right', rotation=45 ) else: plt.xticks( np.append(load_fwd['link_sequence'].values, len(load_fwd['link_sequence']) + 1), xticks, ha='right', rotation=45 ) plt.title(title) if legend: if load_bwd is not None: ncol = 2 else: ncol = 1 plt.legend(ncol=ncol) plt.ylabel('Number of passengers') if yticks is None: if load_bwd is not None: max_value = round( max(load_fwd['volume_pt'].max(), load_fwd['volume_pt'].max()), -2) yticks = np.arange(-max_value, max_value, round(max_value // 5, -2)) else: max_value = round(load_fwd['volume_pt'].max(), -2) yticks = np.arange(0, max_value, round(max_value // 5, -2)) plt.yticks(yticks) # , [int(y) for y in abs(yticks)]) if save_fig: plt.savefig( image_name, bbox_inches='tight') return fig, ax