Source code for quetzal.engine.linearsolver_utils

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import linprog

[docs]def linearsolver( indicator, constrained_links, od_stack, bounds_A, bounds_emissions, bounds_tot_emissions, pas_distance, maxiter, tolerance, **kwargs ): ''' Cette fonction est le coeur de la méthode linear_solver. - Elle construit les contraintes et l'objectif dans build_constraints - Elle résoud le problème d'optimisation linéaire ainsi formé, avec les bonnes contraintes et paramètres. :param indicator (pd.DataFrame): indicator of the model :param constrained_links (dict): dict of constrained links with volumes :param od_stack (pd.DataFrame): od_stack of the model :param bounds_A, bounds_emissions, bounds_tot_emissions, pas_distance: parameters for building constraints :param maxiter, tolerance (int): maximum iterations and tolerance on objective for the linprog function :returns pivot_stack_matrix (pd.DataFrame): elements of pivot_stack_matrix. ''' constrained_zip = zip(*constrained_links.items()) keys, values = tuple(constrained_zip) obj, A_ub, b_ub, bound_ub = build_constraints( indicator, values, od_stack, bounds_A, bounds_emissions, bounds_tot_emissions, pas_distance, **kwargs ) try: lin = linprog(obj, A_ub=A_ub, b_ub=b_ub, bounds=bound_ub, options={'maxiter': maxiter, 'bland': True, 'tol': tolerance}) x = lin.x[0:len(indicator)] pivot_stack_matrix = pd.merge( od_stack[['origin', 'destination']], pd.DataFrame(x, columns=['pivot']), left_index=True, right_index=True ) return pivot_stack_matrix except Exception: raise NotImplementedError pass
[docs]def build_indicator(od_stack, constrained_links, link_path_column='link_path'): ''' :param od_stack (pd.DataFrame): od_stack of the model :param constrained_links (dict): constrained links and their volumes :returns indicator (DataFrame): indicator for the model ''' constrained_zip = zip(*constrained_links.items()) keys, values = tuple(constrained_zip) paths = od_stack[link_path_column] indicator = pd.DataFrame([ tuple(int(i in p) for i in keys) for p in paths ]) return indicator
[docs]def reduce_indicator(big_indicator, cluster_series, volumes, volume_column='volume_pt'): ''' :param big_indicator (pd.DataFrame): indicator of the entire model :param cluster_series (pd.Serie): correspondance between zones and clusters :param volumes (pd.DataFrame): od_stack of the model :returns indicator (DataFrame): reduced indicator for the aggregated model ''' nb_keys = len(big_indicator.columns) table = volumes.merge(big_indicator, left_index=True, right_index=True) proto = pd.merge(table, pd.DataFrame(cluster_series), left_on='origin', right_index=True) proto = pd.merge(proto, pd.DataFrame(cluster_series), left_on='destination', right_index=True, suffixes=['_origin', '_destination']) grouped = proto.groupby( ['cluster_origin', 'cluster_destination'])[ [i for i in range(nb_keys)]] indicator = pd.DataFrame([ tuple([k], weights=table[volume_column], axis=0) for k in range(nb_keys)) for couple, table in grouped ]).fillna(0) return indicator
[docs]def extrapolate(agg_pivot_stack_matrix, od_stack, cluster_series): """ Extrapolates the model. Given the aggregated model and its pivot_stack_matrix, we build the pivot_stack_matrix for the whole model. :param agg_pivot_stack_matrix: agg_pivot_stack_matrix of the aggregated model :param od_stack (pd.DataFrame): od_stack of the entire model :param cluster_series (pd.Series) :return grouped (pd.DataFrame): pivot_stack_matrix of the whole model :return od_stack: od_stack of the whole model, with pivot column updated """ proto = pd.merge( od_stack[['origin', 'destination']], pd.DataFrame(cluster_series), left_on='origin', right_index=True) proto = pd.merge( proto, pd.DataFrame(cluster_series), left_on='destination', right_index=True, suffixes=['_origin', '_destination']) agg_pivot_stack_matrix.columns = ['cluster_origin', 'cluster_destination', 'pivot'] grouped = pd.merge( proto, agg_pivot_stack_matrix, on=['cluster_origin', 'cluster_destination']) grouped = grouped.sort_values(by=['origin', 'destination']) grouped.reset_index(inplace=True) grouped.drop( ['index', 'cluster_origin', 'cluster_destination'], axis=1, inplace=True) # putting the pivot in od_stack matrix od_stack['pivot'] = grouped['pivot'] return grouped, od_stack
[docs]def build_constraints( indicator, values_links, od_stack, bounds_A, bounds_emissions, bounds_tot_emissions, pas_distance, volume_column='volume_pt' ): """ Ici on construit l'objectif et les contraintes du problème d'optimisation suivant: variable: pivot A min_A ||Rc - Rm|| = ||indic*volumes*A - constrained values|| sous contraintes: * - Pg < volumes*A - e/a < Pg ((C1): émissions et attractions par zone conservées) * - Pg' < sum(volumes*A) - e/a_tot < Pg' ((C2) émissions et attractions totales conservées) * - Pd < <D,X> - distance_moyenne < Pd ((C3) distance moyenne conservée) * bound_A_min < A(i) < bound_A_max ((B) bornes du problème) forall i Comme l'objectif n'est pas linéaire, on décide d'utiliser la norme 1 et de linéariser la valeur absolue en ajoutant une nouvelle variable y: (~~ y(i) = |indic*volumes*A - constrained values|(i)) Le problème devient alors: min y sous contraintes * y(i) >= (indic*volumes*A - constrained values)(i) forall i (C4) * y(i) >= - (indic*volumes*A - constrained values)(i) forall i (C5) * (mêmes contraintes que précedemment en plus) Parameters: :param indicator: indicator of the model :param values_links (tuple): values of constrained links :param od_stack (pd.DataFrame): od_stack of the model :param bounds_A (list): upper and lower bound of coefficients of the pivot :param bounds_emissions (list): upper and lower bound of the multiplicative coefficient on emissions and attractions per cluster :param bounds_tot_emissions (list): idem but for emisisons and attractions of the entire model :param pas_distance (int): additive pas on the mean distance :return objectif: objective of the function :return A_ub: matrix of inequality constraint (left side) :return b_ub: vector of inequality constraint (right side) """ od_stack = od_stack.sort_values(['origin', 'destination']) volumes = od_stack[volume_column] zone_list = sorted(od_stack['origin']) I = np.array(indicator) V = np.array(volumes) # df est en fait l'application linéaire # à appliquer aux paramètres d'ajustement df = pd.DataFrame(I.transpose() * V) X = np.array(volumes) # dimension du probleme: 2* nb_od # Objectif: min y nb_od = len(V) # taille de A nb_zones = len(volumes) k = len(values_links) # taille de y objectif = np.array([0 for i in range(nb_od)] + [1 for i in range(k)]) # Constraintes de linéarisation (C4) et (C5) gr = pd.DataFrame(-np.eye(k)) A_pos = pd.concat([df, gr], axis=1) # (C4) A_neg = pd.concat([-df, gr], axis=1) # (C5) b_sum = pd.DataFrame(np.array(values_links)) # constraints on attraction and emission per cluster (C1) # marche seulement si l'index des zones est un range A_emission = pd.DataFrame( [ [int(zone_list[i] == od_stack['origin'][j]) * X[j] for j in range(nb_od)] for i in range(nb_zones)] ) A_attraction = pd.DataFrame( [ [int(zone_list[i] == od_stack['destination'][j]) * X[j] for j in range(nb_od)] for i in range(nb_zones)] ) A_e = pd.concat( [A_emission, pd.DataFrame([[0 for i in range(k)] for j in range(nb_zones)])], axis=1 ) A_a = pd.concat( [A_attraction, pd.DataFrame([[0 for i in range(k)] for j in range(nb_zones)])], axis=1 ) b_e_pos = bounds_emissions[1] * A_emission.sum(axis=1) b_a_pos = bounds_emissions[1] * A_attraction.sum(axis=1) b_e_neg = - bounds_emissions[0] * A_emission.sum(axis=1) b_a_neg = - bounds_emissions[0] * A_attraction.sum(axis=1) # constraints on total emission and attranction (C2) A_tot_em = pd.concat( [pd.DataFrame([X]), pd.DataFrame([[0 for i in range(k)]])], axis=1 ) tot_em_pos = bounds_tot_emissions[1] * X.sum() tot_em_neg = - bounds_tot_emissions[0] * X.sum() b_tot_em = pd.DataFrame([tot_em_pos, tot_em_neg]) # constraints on distance (C3) if pas_distance is not None: vect_dist = od_stack['euclidean_distance'] dist_moy = (vect_dist.values * X).sum() / X.sum() G1 = pd.DataFrame([[X[i] * (vect_dist[i] - dist_moy - pas_distance) for i in range(nb_od)]]) G2 = pd.DataFrame([[X[i] * (-vect_dist[i] + dist_moy - pas_distance) for i in range(nb_od)]]) G_y = pd.DataFrame([[0 for j in range(k)]]) G_sup = pd.concat([G1, G_y], axis=1) G_inf = pd.concat([G2, G_y], axis=1) else: G1 = pd.DataFrame([[X[i] * 0 for i in range(nb_od)]]) G2 = pd.DataFrame([[X[i] * 0 for i in range(nb_od)]]) G_y = pd.DataFrame([[0 for j in range(k)]]) G_sup = pd.concat([G1, G_y], axis=1) G_inf = pd.concat([G2, G_y], axis=1) A_ub = pd.concat( [A_pos, A_neg, A_e, A_a, -A_e, -A_a, A_tot_em, -A_tot_em, G_sup, G_inf] ).values b_ub = pd.concat( [b_sum, -b_sum, b_e_pos, b_a_pos, b_e_neg, b_a_neg, b_tot_em, pd.DataFrame([0, 0])] ).values # bounds (B) bounds = [bounds_A for i in range(nb_od)] + [(0, None) for i in range(k)] return objectif, A_ub, b_ub, bounds