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Import - Project Selection and Input Importation:

Choose your project and import essential data inputs, including the Transportation Network (TC Network), Road Network, Origin-Destination data, various Settings, Style Presets, etc.

Microservices - Data Import Tools:

Utilize tools such as the OSM (OpenStreetMap) importer, GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) importer (available in both zip and web formats), Matrix Road Caster and Mapmatching to import the datasets necessary for your project.

Map - Mapping TC Links, Road Links, and Origin-Destination Data:

Visualize and interact with a detailed map displaying Transportation Network links, road connections, and Origin-Destination (OD) points, allowing for easy navigation and modification directly on the map.

Parameters and Run - Simulation Settings and Execution:

Configure simulation parameters and execute scenario simulations.

Results Map - Layer Display, Creation, and Modification:

Display, create, and modify multiple layers of data, enabling a dynamic and comprehensive view of your project’s components.

Results Pictures - Visualization of Result Images:

Showcase and examine result images that illustrate the outcomes of your simulations.

Result table - Results Table Presentation:

Present detailed result tables that summarize key metrics and data points from your analysis.

Save - Saving Project Modifications:

Safeguard your work by saving any changes made to the project, ensuring that your progress is recorded and easily accessible for future sessions.

Export - Project Exportation:

Export your project as a zip file.

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